Ashes to Ashes

Birthing height's fall
in lava plunge
to shadows cross
from heaven's high grace
down age's frosty slope
to earth beneath.

Throw your tattering cloths aside
and go naked now
stiff remnant
embraced in nets of pain
to break that final tape.

Stars in heaven's mouth
liquid fire held tight
burn cold skin that fallow lies.
Where now are the men
that shaped the stones
of this
our heathen haven
in the sky.

 First Book   Second Book Third Book
Brother mine  Thy  Days Sibling
Damaged good  What shape a poet Herculean expectations
Barrel bottom fruit  Creative Burying Ressurection
Bottom line  Regret Times End
On the dying edge  Spider Time In Memoriam : Twice Round
Biting Free  Earth Turns Eight Pints
Id rider  Old Dog Sinking Heart : Drop
Only worms will know you better  Eye to Eye Swim : Drift
Thrice crows  Autumn Coming Home
Friends in High Places  The night the church burnt Passage
Poet bones  Last Strand Speed Crazy
Katadesmoi  Ashes to Ashes Sinking Heart



All written material and images are  ©copyrighted Feb 2010
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THE 'MORRIS' STUDIO :         Presenting a selection of work for sale by Eric W. Morris

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