Copyright Eric Morris

Pebble mouth mole
See now this leafen earth
with future eyes
the veil stocking tied
the winding sheet

No heavenly gate
while your sin stalks still
this wounded earth
and intoxicated worms
feast on callous secrets
till stripped of fleshy lies
you wait in bony honesty.

This tender child
from idol walls
and gutted god released
unsighted walks
a floundering stone
among the dizzy spinning stars.

Take up the passage coins
and liberate these leaded lids
so in these my ancient days
eyes wide opened see
on this foreign shore
of rattling breath and muted sky
your terminal dust
from mountain high again
a Russian doll
onion peeled by time itself

 First Book   Second Book Third Book
Brother mine  Thy  Days Sibling
Damaged good  What shape a poet Herculean expectations
Barrel bottom fruit  Creative Burying Ressurection
Bottom line  Regret Times End
On the dying edge  Spider Time In Memoriam : Twice Round
Biting Free  Earth Turns Eight Pints
Id rider  Old Dog Sinking Heart : Drop
Only worms will know you better  Eye to Eye Swim : Drift
Thrice crows  Autumn Coming Home
Friends in High Places  The night the church burnt Passage
Poet bones  Last Strand Speed Crazy
Katadesmoi  Ashes to Ashes Sinking Heart



All written material and images are  ©copyrighted Feb 2010
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THE 'MORRIS' STUDIO :         Presenting a selection of work for sale by Eric W. Morris

 LINKS  Room 2: I Ching suite:       Room 3:Moieties      Room 4:Representational     Room 5: Abstract      Room 6: Syncronicity       Room7:Life   Room8:Bible suite     Home     Bio     Buy      FAQ